Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yeah you physics nerds should know what that means.

It’s also what I call it is my rule of sine (xin) where everything good is followed by something bad and vice versa. For example on Monday I had a brilliant day. Refer to ‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3’. Then as soon as I got home my mother was in a grumpy mood and she yelled and then my father yelled and then I yelled. It was the most yelling I’ve done all year. So good is counteracted with bad. Always. It’s not always straightaway but it happens.

It makes sense to the science side of my mind as well. Everything has its’ balance. In biology things always pair up. Chemistry uses balanced equations. Physics states that for every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Anyway the provocation of this was that recently I’ve been feeling weird. Happy because I have a boy. Sad, with a growing sense of despair, because I have so much work. (Which blogging isn’t really helping with.) Frustrated because my parents are annoying. Confused because I should just be happy. Crazy because this is ridiculous. Just mood swinging in a sinusoidal fashion. It won’t last, the counterbalance will happen. I just have to ride this wave out.

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  1. Sounds a damn lot like me...

    I don't have anything that is bad really, just a lot of work niggling away at me, and the fact I don't spend enough physical time with you guys.

  2. i really, really wish i wasn't so fucking far away...

  3. I'm sorry I things didn't work out about seeing you after school today, we kind of forgot about your existence and I'm reaaaally sorry! I'll talk to you on the weekend or something? That long call the other night was fun, it's lovely talking to you dearest xxx (also, you and Cameron are cute, jus' sayin')
