Saturday, May 8, 2010

Notes from Underground

I’m going underground my dears. It’s been nice blogging to you all. But with each post I feel like I’m getting closer to the old days of Myspace blogs. just please no.

So to prevent that horrifying future from happening Crossover Possibilities shall be stopped indefinitely. As great as it has been posting stuff; it feels weird knowing people who know me read this. The point of blogging for me is purely selfish; I just want to organise the chaos in my head. It’s not for you guys to worry. That and I like posting beautiful things and giving love. I started out wanting to kind of half live my other possibilities but, at the moment at least, I’m cool with being just me. Seeing as lately my posts have either been angsty or cutesy I figure you can all probably do without it.

Because really the only people who read this are you. My dear friends. So if you really want to know how happy, angry or restless I feel you can just ask.

Well. This is it. *stands awkwardly and shuffles feet.* I love you but it’s not you, it’s me. I hope you can move on from this blog onto the blogs of various friends linked in this post. I’m sorry but I’m not apologising.

I’ll see you around.


  1. Oh Xin I'm going to miss your blogging, you're one of my favourite ones to read, but that's perfectly alright, I do understand. You've been spending too much time talking to me with my whirlwind mind methinks, I certainly hope my crazy does NOT rub off on you. We shall have to actually find time to talk now, won't that be exciting!? ♥ xx

  2. Well my blog has turned into a way to show off my useless creations, I'm not going to put much on it any more...
    still, yours always made a good read.

  3. dear wifey,
    your blog has been an insight of awesomeness. even if you never post on it again, don't you DARE (i can't write that in capitals without thinking of the gorillaz) delete it. nice incorporation of links in there. i've never commented on your blog before. isn't it funny how it only happened when it was on the verge of that just reminds me of the eulogy song. get yourself a diary if you feel like venting this sorta thing. tis good, tis (although i'm getting rather bored with mine).
    i could comment lots more. it'd be just like that big stream of emails we had going. SOMEONE HASN'T REPLIED IN A WHILE *glare-ity glare*
    perhaps someday you shall return to ye ol' blog...someday *stares off into the distance*
    lotsa loves from lulubear ♥

  4. I shall miss this lovely blog. We shall continue our occasional dnm sessions to 7/11 :)

    love you lots and lots.
