Anyway, back to diamonds. What has happened is that my friends and I have created a love diamond between us. I like this guy who likes this girl who likes this other guy who likes me. :O
We’re all good friends which is fantastic because in any other group of people this would get really ugly. It’s not ugly now. It’s more a colossal arghgasm. Yes I coined that. To continue on basically everyone knows who likes who. Ok time for a diagram.

I’m the pigeon. Don’t ask. Lines represent love vectors (ohhh math in real life). The lulu bear and I are married. So we’re besties. Now what’s happening is tank engine is confused and I am confused so love lines are just going everywhere. It’s now up to tank engine to choose lulu bear or myself.
The thing is I’d like to be loved but like I actually spent a whole term trying to get lulu bear and tank engine together. Oh the irony. Plus I feel like a bitch. Apparently no one really minds which way it goes. I don’t really either I guess. One way I get a boy friend. The other I get to see my bestie become very happy and I probably have a happier conscience.
I’m not sure if this actually makes sense to anyone. I’m hoping I don’t sound mad.
I’m optimistic at the moment because...I just went for a nice long swim and walk. It cleared my head.
It’s been two days since everyone became honest with each other about the diamond. In that time there was a lot of arghgasms, msn and lack of sleep. Last night I told the guy I originally liked that I was ok that he didn’t like me. It’s no one’s fault really.
What I’ve realised is that I have the best friends in the world. They’re not perfect. Things can get complicated. But c’est la vie.
We move on.