Monday, June 28, 2010



Bit of a filler really but Daria is amazing. Hope your holidays are going well people.
My holiday is pretty down. Mainly because of the workload I'm expected to do and how it clashes with my wanting to go out. IT'S A HOLIDAY. But no slacking allowed.

~There ain't no rest for the wicked.
Money don't grow on trees.
I got bills to pay and mouths to feed.
Ain't nothing in this world for free.~

So really all I've done so far is read some books. Haven't gone to my library in ages so went on Saturday and so far have read two books. Which is really good because I love reading and haven't done enough recently. Which links to an amusing story but slightly inappropriate.
I also went shopping and got some shoes for formal. They make me tall! No mean feat there.
Got yelled at multiple times by mother. I think pretty much every conversation this weekend and today. Once for an hr about saying the incorrect time while she was being serious.
But seriously. Life is boring at the moment. Too much time at home. Not too good for me.

Hopefully I don't go completely insane.

I shall post-formal blog soon.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pulses through my veins

placebo. yayeah.

I'm always blah blah blahing about love and sunshine. Well this time aunty owy is gonna talk to y'all about dem bad things. Hate and such.

'I hate you' is nearly as overused as 'I love you' (or ILY but that's just annoying). If you don't mean it don't bother.

By overusing such words we cheapen them and make them cliche. Hate and love are stronger than that. Especially when used in reference to people. It means that they've made an impact on your world. If you love someone, things that remind you of them make you smile. If you hate someone, things that remind you of them make you feel repulsed.

Sometimes I wish I had enemies. To paraphrase Eminem, it means I stood up for something. By now I really should know what to stand up for. Sometimes I feel like Sir Thomas More, walking the fine line between all sides, trying to make everyone happy. We expend so much energy trying to be normal.

ps. Today was nice. Don't worry, I don't hate you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


The first 12seconds made me laugh so hard.
I love Lucy for introducing me to this.

But seriously guys. Twilight is the most over rated series I have ever read.
Admittedly I read the first book 5yrs ago so possibly I was young and failed to see its' wonders.....
That must be it. How else could I mistake twilight for anything but a piece of great literature.
It's not like the main characters are shallow and soulless.
*is edward aka intense looks. intense stares. intenseness.
*is bella. swoon. cry. swoon. angst. frolicks. is loved by all.
I could rant further but I'm sure a billion people have already.

I'm less emotionally blogging so should I get a tumblr instead?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Coming Up Only To Hold You Under

I am liking this song indeed. Found it on my tumblr rummaging.

I recently read The Little Prince, shockingly for the first time. At least as far as anyone can remember; either way it felt like the first time. IT IS BEAUTIFUL. Really, it's so simple and truthful. It's really a brilliant.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Elmo and the rainbow

Yeah the Socceroos got thrashed. FOUR-nil. Disappointed doesn’t cover it.  So, here are some happy pictures with rainbows and Rainbow fish and Elmo and Harry Shum Jr. Who doesn’t love Elmo right?

ps. Argh weirdass picture formatting.

1 2 4

Friday, June 11, 2010

So it begins. Countdown.

Can you think of a reason why you so love it downtown?

And......Welcome back!

Hi guys. It's good to be back. I’m feeling better and all that jazz. Life is back to happening. There’s fun beginning everywhere. THE WORLD CUP! YEAH! Might actually wake up at 4.30 for countries other than Australia. :O It is going to be brilliant. I love soccer crazies. I love how passionate people are about the game. Anyway, as I'm a girly one imma gonna wake up 4.30 and stuff to watch the soccer and I'd thought
I'd tell you. Especially seeing as it starts tonight!

So where have I hidden this past month? I went to a dark place folks. I realised how much work I should have done and I crammed like hell. Which reminds me. Though I'm back I can't be awesome and win at VCE. I really wish I was capable of that but I'm can't. So half awesome will have to do. 

Back to fun topics. I've discovered too much about what can be done with whipped cream. Courtesy of Michael mainly. Thanks mateeee. Oh and my plan for things, the stuff  immediately in my head, is:
Learn the thriller dance. Lucy as my teacher.
Watch 500 days of summer.
Go to Sally's.
Buy a dress for formal.
Buy presents.
Eat cheesecake.

Bye for now. Bear with me 'til my writing skills get back up.
They're slowly crawling out of the cave that is my head.